We’re all about excellence … while having fun.
If you’re amazing with a hairbrush microphone behind the closed door of the bathroom, you are welcome here. If your parents are constantly telling you to “quit using funny voices,” you are welcome here. If your idea of a fun time is sitting at the piano figuring out the Zelda: Breath of the Wild theme song, you are welcome here.
Your smiling face belongs next to the amazing kids (yeah, guys, we see you) on the right. If you sing, act, dance, perform, play, move, joke, or create…we’re holding the door open for you. Come on in!

Who we are
Here at The Studio, experience trumps everything. Through a fun, positive, and challenging experience, kids, teens, and families find confidence, passion, and life-long friendships. We also seem to believe in commas, because there are seven of them in that last sentence.
Our goal, through professional instruction, is for every Studio student to feel welcome, loved and valued…because they are. We’re geeks about the arts and truly believe that learning is fun, and as such, we lean toward pushing kids beyond limits while having a blast along the way.
Full-scale, all-out, incredible experiential productions for kids of all ages. . .we pour everything we have into all of our shows—and this upcoming year we’ve got multiple opportunities for every age to be a part of what we do on the big stage!

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